Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day 20 - 03/12/2007

Slept in yesterday. The alarm went off at 640a and I crawled out of bed around 735a, went down the hall to wake M and N and then hit the shower. I'm guessing it was a mix of a lack of sleep over the weekend and the shift to DST. N didn't want to go to school and we were going to let him stay home as he's still a little sick (and it's preschool), but at the last minute, he changed his mind. He got dressed in a flurry and out the door we went. That being said, M was still grousing that N made us late (it was the first time she's EVER been late for school), even though she was still inside while he and I were in the car.

I think I passed the test I mentioned yesterday. My knee felt pretty good all day long and if I can keep this up, I'll be happy. My next rehab appointment will include me running on the treadmill w/ my knee taped to see if I can run pain free. If so, I'm beginning to think the end is near. Oh, the joy that brings me if I can only run the trails again! How I've missed running through ECL, especially up by the Visitor's Center. Just you and nature (and the sound of the traffic on 28 and the planes on approach to Dulles flying overhead). I can't wait.

The painters finished up the basement and it looks much different. There's now color and warmth and...that new paint smell. That will subside, yes, I'm aware of that, but now we need to get stuff on the walls. It looks so barren down there. We also need to tackle the bathroom as it really doesn't look nice compared with the rest of the basement. That's on the list of Spring chores to do, just like cleaning out the basement. One thing that keeps me from wanting to do chores like that is my knee. Whenever I do work around the house that requires stooping, bending, pushing, whatever, my knee starts to ache and I lose steam. Popping Advil will help alleviate the pain, but not the mental pain that I experience knowing that I'm not well yet. Alright, enough with the self-pity.

And now for some mundane items: refilled my prescription (but still need to pick it up); picked up N's jacket from Lori's (where he had left it when he and D went over in the afternoon); went to the gym for 30 minutes on the bike (but didn't lift as I got dizzy from what I'm guessing was low blood sugar); put the basement back together; watched a hokie documentary on the moon landing conspiracy and then went to bed around 10p. Like I said, mundane details about the day.

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