Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day 66 - 04/27/2007

It's Friday and....

...The weekend's here
and we'll have a keg of beer
We'll relax!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
And take off our slacks!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
And sit around the house in our rotten underwear

Alright, now that that flash from the past is out of the way, let's get down to business. Not much to report today, other than it's Friday. I went in early and was able to knock out some work in the quiet early morning hours. I met my dad for lunch and went to Teocalli Tamale (two days in a row...yay!). This time I forewent the tamale platter and instead got the tamale burrito (with another tamale on the side). Have I mentioned how much I love their tamales?!? They are the deal!

Later that afternoon I hit the gym, before finally getting home around 6p. D and the kids were down at the pipestem which allowed me to get some decompression time with an icepack on my knee (they're doing pretty good, but from time to time still bother me, especially after working out, biking or running) and the latestcopy of Running Times. D called and asked me to pop a Boboli in the oven, so I started dinner. Right as it was ready, D, M and N came in the door and we sat down and ate.

After dinner, the kids got bathed and I took a shower before settling in to continue reading Narnia. Once they were in bed, I relaxed in front of hockey (as well as mindless Man vs. Wild). Buffalo was tied up with the Rangers when I turned it on a couple minutes into the 3rd period. They were able to take the lead with about six minutes left and the Rangers fought hard to tie it up (having a 6 on 4 for the last couple minutes of regulation), but were unable to do so. I love the playoffs. After the game, I hit the sack so I wouldn't be worn out for N's game on Saturday (it was at 9a, with M's following at 11a).

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