Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 354 - 02/10/2008

After a late night Saturday night, we slept in and enjoyed a lazy morning, not getting to Mass until 1230p. I could've foregone Mass until 530p, but didn't feel like having a short day. (For some reason, when I go to 530p Mass, it feels like the day just gets away from you and it's done before you know it.)

On Sundays I typically cook the dinner meal and today was no different. I was thinking about what to cook before going to church and settled on the pork barbecue in the freezer (cooking it in the slow cooker), but discovered too late that it needed to be thawed before cooking it. Oh well, strike that off the list. The next idea was Taco Pie (which I haven't made in years), but that was struck from the list as well when D suggested we make the remaining crab cakes. I added some orzo w/ Parmesan cheese, a green salad and some broccoli and dinner was done. It was a hit by both of us (although N did try the broccoli, he didn't do so without fussing).

Since it's been a while since I read to the kids, I read another chapter of Treasure Island to them. We're finally getting to the point where they're outfitting the ship and Long John Silver has entered the storyline. M and N don't realize he's a bad guy...yet. Hopefully the story will pick up in the next few chapters as this landlubber business is getting stale.

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