Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 163 - 08/02/2007

I worked from home today as the office was empty and there was no point in going in. As usual, I got more done at home than I do at the office. I'm not sure whether it's the act of being out of the office and not wanting to appear to be slacking or the fact that there are no interruptions and getting into the zone is a snap.

About 6p I headed out for a ride. I wanted to get in an hour ride and hit it on the head. One hour later, I arrived home with fourteen miles behind me. One item that I'd like to point out was that I went down Walney Road to the trail. If you're not familiar with that road, it might not mean anything, but it's a winding road with zero shoulders (and a wall of earth on each side of the road, topped with towering trees). It's not really the most bike-friendly roads in the area. However, ever since VDOT blocked off the intersection at 28 and Walney, it's become an empty road amongst the traffic filled roads that surround it.

Since I hadn't eaten yet (and D is still out of town), I headed up to Baja Fresh for some fish tacos. I hadn't had any in a while and needed to get my fix. I guess I'm not the only one who loves their fish tacos as later on at Sweetwater, Neil (our friendly neighborhood bartender) said that's what he only ate there as well. Larry's never tried them, but with the two of us touting them, he said he'll have to give them a shot. One of the ideas floating around in my head is to launch a website committed to reviewing fish tacos. Of course, ilovefishtacos.com is parked somewhere. Maybe I'll have to come up with something else. Any suggestions?

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