Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day 22 - 03/14/2007

Ran today and felt great. No pain in the knees (although there was some in the shin) for either the first 0.5 mile or the last ~0.6 (I did a total of 1.72 w/ a 0.3 mile walk to start and a 0.3 mile walk between the two runs per my therapy plan). I got home and iced it and will do some stretching in a bit. That light I saw the other day may in fact be the end of the tunnel. I am so looking forward to being able to run again. I would love to do another marathon, but if that's not possible, even being able to run five miles would be fine with me!

M still isn't done with her homework. Bedtime is typically around 8p (with books and songs she's up until around 845p). It's now going on 9p and she still hasn't gotten her pajamas on. Her stalling tactics are improving. I countered tonight's tactic by telling her she can't play outside (or inside) until she gets her homework done when she gets home from school. We'll see how long that lasts.

The weather looks like it'll be changing back to more seasonal temps soon. We've been experiencing temps in the 60s and 70s, which has made the middle of March a lot more pleasant than it typically is. Not to worry, however, I'm sure there's some bad weather coming our way. Hopefully we don't get any real bad storms this Spring. It's been a few years since we've had anything major, so maybe we're due (knock on wood that we're not).

Mundane items of interest include spaghetti for dinner with a side of garlic bread; lentil soup for lunch (with cashews and an apple -- the orange looked funky so it ended up in the trash) and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Saw a woman cutting her hair in her car on the way to work this morning. I'm not sure why I was surprised about it, I mean, the car is the home away from home, right?

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