Thursday, December 20, 2007

Day 302 - 12/19/2007

With everyone in town for Nina and Vince's wedding and for Mom's birthday (and since they're leaving before Christmas), D and I decided to host a Christmas get-together at our house so that the out-of-towners can have a "family" Christmas (you know, vs. having to give everyone their gifts and then let them open them on Christmas by themselves).

As is often the case, I served brats, sauerkraut and potato salad. With everything going on this week I didn't want to do anything fancy.

I ended up working from home today (well, for a couple of hours anyway) as D had PT and N was home sick again. I called it quits late in the morning when I started prepping for dinner. Even though I was home, I still hit the gym to get in a workout towards the holiday meltdown program. I'll be happy when January 4th comes around so that I won't have to hit the gym three days a week anymore. Sure, I'd love it if I could, but two days is plenty for me.

Anyway, while I was prepping the potatoes, I tried to cut out an eye and the knife slipped and I ended up slicing up my thumb. About 15 minutes later it had finally stopped bleeding.

Dinner turned out pretty good and Rudy thoroughly enjoyed his brats. I'm glad dialysis is working out for him and that he's able to make it to the events this week. I guess if he can get through this week, he's got it made!

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