Monday, December 24, 2007

Day 306 - 12/23/2007

We decided to do split shift at Mass today as M's not feeling too well. Since I was showered and ready to go, I went to 1045a (D went to 530p). Caroline came by on her way to the airport and we had a brief visit. She's the last out-of-towner to leave (well last of three, so it's not like there were scores of visitors from out of town this week). After she left, I started prepping for dinner tomorrow.

I decided I'd make a different cabbage recipe and it was pretty simple. Much simpler than Grandpa Pete's recipe and it tasted pretty good to boot. I got it from Scandinavian Feasts, which is also where I got the recipe for the stuffed pork loin I'll be cooking for dinner tomorrow.

The rest of the day was spent watching football, especially enjoying the Redskins beating the Vikings to continue on their way to a playoff berth (should they beat the Cowboys next week, that is). As much as I'd love to see them in the playoffs, I don't think they'll go very far even if they do make it in. They're playing on emotion right now and it looks as if the tanks getting low. That being said, if they continue to play the way they played against Minnesota, it won't be a question of if they make the playoffs, but a question of how far they'll go once they get there. I guess only time will tell, but for now, let's just enjoy the ride.

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