Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day 311 - 12/28/2007

Another day off, another day of getting stuff done. Well, almost. Read on, for a run-on description of my day in a nutshell:

After a trip to the gym, I scheduled the van for service and then took the kids to Lowe's for shelf supplies before stopping by the bank to make some deposits in their accounts after which we came home and had lunch and then left to drop the van off. On the way home I was dropped off at a friend's house to help move some furniture and then when I got home from that, D went to the mall and I watched the kids and prepared a dinner of leftovers that wasn't all that great but it did free up some space in the fridge. We picked up the van after dropping M off for a pajama party down the street and N and I drove around looking at lights on the way home. After M came home I headed downstairs to watch some football and play guitar, but I was only successful in watching football as I wasn't in the mood to play guitar.

I called it quits about 1130p.

I guess the shelves will have to wait until sometime before the end of the year.

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